It has been demonstrated that when compared with the unsubstituted ethylamphetamine, 3-fluoroethamphetamine is usually a weaker releaser of dopamine, but a stronger releaser of both serotonin and norepinephrine, producing the strongest reinforcing consequences in animal scientific tests outside of A variety of 3-substituted amphetamine derivatives … Read More

do?i do neželjene hiperstimulacije jajnika. Tada se javlja bol u trbuhu, pra?en mu?ninom i prolivom. Do toga retko dolazi, a pažljivo pra?enje rasta jajne ?elije za vreme le?enja smanjuje mogu?nost pojave ove u pacjentki wyst?puj? wady rozwojowe narz?dów p?ciowych uniemo?liwiaj?ce zaj?cie w ci???Da bi došlo do popravljanja sp… Read More